The Freedom to Love Podcast
There are lots of people out there who will tell us we shouldn't look at pornography, but there aren't many people showing us how to finally break free of porn. Without a mentor or a guide, it's easy to get stuck in hopelessness and shame.
The Freedom to Love Podcast is here to be your mentor and your guide. We want to provide you with practical strategies and techniques to live free of porn forever so you can experience the love you really desire.
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The Freedom to Love Podcast
30. Freedom From Shame
In this milestone 30th episode, we explore the journey towards freedom from shame and the pursuit of chastity.
Jeremy shares an insightful lesson on addressing shame from an online course he taught. We look at the difference between shame and guilt and how shame can hold us back from finding freedom from pornography.
Shame can condition us to remain captive, preventing us from breaking free. Jeremy outlines the shame cycle and contrasts it with the joy cycle, emphasizing the importance of seeking support and grace in the journey to freedom.
We end with a prayer to renounce shame and embrace the truth of acceptance and restoration in Christ.
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